Selected Poems
Poems Online
About Place: Heirloom
Antiphon: Twenty-seven
Broadsided / Up the Staircase Quarterly: Dear You-in-the-Dark
Ecotone: Little Fox Music Box
Gulf Stream: Garter
HEArt: Tripoli and The Rohingya Migrants from Myanmar
Ilanot Review: On Trying to Write a Letter After My Husband's Surgery
Literary Mama: 2 poems
Orion: The Kinetic Energy of Snow
The Collagist: Conjunct
Thrush: Adorn
Tupelo Quarterly: An Excision
Feminist Wire: A small reflection and two poems
Konundrum Engine: Poetry translation
Poems in Print
Poems in print have appeared in Berkeley Poetry Review, Fiddlehead Review, Gertrude, Harpur Palate, Hayden's Ferry Review, Passages North, Permafrost, So to Speak, South Dakota Review, The Mom Egg, The Southampton Review, Verse Wisconsin, Woman Studies' Quarterly, and WomenArts Quarterly.
Anthologies include All We Can Hold and The Heart of All That Is.

Molly Sutton Kiefer is the author of the lyric essay Nestuary as well as three poetry chapbooks. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in publications such as Orion, The Journal, the Poetry Foundation, DIAGRAM, The Rumpus, the minnesota review, among others.
She runs the nonprofit literary press Tinderbox Editions and is founding editor of Tinderbox Poetry Journal. She received her MFA from the University of Minnesota and is currently pursuing her Ph.D in literature at Old Dominion. She lives on three wooded acres in Minnesota with her family where she teaches English.
Prose Online
Adroit Journal: Tell Me About Orange
PANK: The Thread
Poetry Foundation: Lines of Work
So to Speak: Death of the Little Self
The Hairsplitter: My White Whale: On Moby-Dick and Motherhood
The Pinch: Nine Letters
TriQuarterly: Ethics and Motherhood: Children's Bodies in Art
Prose in Print
Among Margins: Death of the Little Self
CREDO Anthology of Manifestos and Sourcebook of Creative Writing: The Gloaming
Critical Work
Balancing the Tide: motherhood interviews
The Rumpus: reviews
Tinderbox Poetry Journal: interviews
Reviews and interviews have also appeared in dislocate, Cerise Press, Coldfront, CutBank, PANK, and SCOUT.
I will do my best to respond as quickly as I can! If you need to contact me for Tinderbox Editions, please email me at tinderbox editions (at) gmail (dot) com.